
Ana Flávia Marú

Ana Flávia Mar, born in Itumbiara (1992), is a visual artist and architect. She develops a form of listen and work with objects and beings that create gaps in the hegemonic narrative of the contemporary city. She is a member of the research and practice group Natural History of Goyaz (Goiânia, 2019), currently a master's student in the Project and City Program at UFG.

Camilla Margarida

Camilla Margarida, born in Goiânia (1984), is a cultural producer and curator in the fields of Audiovisual and Arts. Master's student in Multimedia at UNICAMP. As a producer she was responsible for projects such as Cinealmofada and Conexão Samambaia. She has produced several short and feature films. She is a partner-owner of Barroca Filmes and one of the directors of the Fronteira Festival.

Henrique Borela

Henrique Borela was born in Goiânia (1989) and is a filmmaker, researcher, producer and audiovisual technician. He directed, with his sister, Marcela Borela, two feature films awarded in national and international festivals. He is one of the directors of the Fronteira Festival. His most recent film is "Japan". Master's student in Social Anthropology at UFG, he is part of the research and practice group Natural History of Goyaz (Goiânia, 2019).

Juliane Peixoto

Juliane Peixoto, born in Brasília (1985), is a visual artist and works with cinematography, education and cinema. She is one of the directors of Fronteira and a professor at IFB - Federal Institute of Brasília. She holds a master's degree from the Postgraduate Program in Contemporary Studies of the Arts at Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF).

Marcela Borela

Marcela Borela, born in Araguari (1983), is a filmmaker, researcher, teacher and curator. Her films include the features "Taego Ãwa" and "Mascarados", co-directed with Henrique Borela. She is a professor at the Federal Institute of Brasília and a doctoral student at the Postgraduate Program in Contemporary Studies of the Arts (UFF). She created and coordinates the Fronteira Festival.

Rafael Parrode

Rafael Parrode was born in Goiânia (1982) and is the artistic director and curator of the Fronteira Festival. He has worked as a film editor and critic. He is a visual artist and filmmaker and have directed the films "Bom dia, Santa Maria" and "Memby". His latest film, "Dragon Tooth", premiered at the 72nd Berlinale in the Forum Expanded section. He holds a master's degree from the Postgraduate Program in Media and Audiovisual Processes (ECA-USP).


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